Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mar-31-Stones of Fire

Dream Word – ROCK

Ezekiel 28:14ct
You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. NKJV.

Stones of Fire

The Old Celtic legend says, that this particular saint had power over wild beasts, and in particular, had power over a ‘Chrysalids’ type of gigantic cow, which was of use to him as a kind of ancient U Haul and milk truck all in one. This particular cow had been put under the care and oversight of a wild wolf, who one day came and prostrated himself before the saint, repentant and forlorn, as a passing King had killed his charge for food. The King, having placed pieces of the cow in a cooking pot, despite the fierceness of the fires set under it could not get the water to boil! Thus the king, discerning both the power of God and their culpability in killing the saint’s large cow, eventually also came, and like the wolf, prostrated himself before the saint, as he and his entourage sought both his forgiveness and his protection from God’s wrath. These two things, St. Brynach provided, and to prove the efficiacy of his word, Brynach raised the giant cow from the dead, restoring him to the care of the wild wolf. For such devoutness, magnanimity and power, the king gave St. Brynach land for a monastery and church and also freedom from taxation to boot, and frankly, who wouldn’t! Interestingly, it was this same land, to which an angel of the Lord had directed Brynach to proceed to, as he was praying on the mount of his visitation, which is now named, Carn Ingli, or the Mount of Angels. This marvellous and still mystical region in the West of Wales, from which the magical blue rocks of the Neolithic masterpiece we have come to know as Stonehenge, were once hewn and quarried, was apparently first footed and owned by the angels and became to all spiritual peoples, a listening post, a meeting place, indeed, a place of practical business between the material and spiritual realms. Wales is a strange place!

In noting God’s delight in all things material, I have noted from the Scripture, God’s particular fascination and delight with untouched stone, stone shaped only by those four distinct tools at His command and in His hand. That is, time and water, wind and weather. The Celts might have said that ‘These four tools make shapes among the rocks and amidst the standing stones, and in forming an interface between the spiritual and material realms, they scoop out conduits of power, make places of interaction and interface, and allow heaven to touch the earth.’

In the same way dear friends, God takes the passing of time, the wind of adversity, the water of His sanctification and the weather of our journey, to rightly shape His living stones, His present saints, the church of His Own Dear Son, to change them into a listening post, even a proclaiming place of power, where heaven can touch the earth once more. Surely, when the living stones of Christ and the priests of the Most High God, gather in the standing circle of His love, surely then, from within that sacred place and out of that true and magical Royal Blue Kingdom, anything is possible and anything can happen? From there, maybe even wolves could begin to care for giant cows again and the Kings of the earth could come to us, for protection and for provision.

Stonehenge is being excavated once more, that it’s secrets may be found, whilst the church in these ancient lands and of these ancient lands, continues in its horrific decline into uncared for laughability. It is time that the spiritual and the material once again meet together in the church of the living God.

Listen: - But He answered and said to them, "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out." Luke 19:40 NKJV.

Pray:- So set a fire underneath Your standing stones O God, the heat of which would crack open our clam like mouths to speak forth the sweetest of praise to the greatest of names on the earth, under the earth and in the earth and in that great name of heaven we so confidently and rightly pray to you and shout out tonight. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus!

From April 24th 2011
Broadcasting on London's
Premier Christian Radio
Each Sunday Night at 5:45pm.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mar-28-Cow Zombies

Dream Word – PROD

1 Samuel 6:3-9
So they said, "If you send away the ark of the God of Israel, do not send it empty; but by all means return it to Him with a trespass offering. Then you will be healed, and it will be known to you why His hand is not removed from you." Then they said, "What is the trespass offering which we shall return to Him?" They answered, "Five golden tumours and five golden rats, according to the number of the lords of the Philistines. For the same plague was on all of you and on your lords. Therefore you shall make images of your tumors and images of your rats that ravage the land, and you shall give glory to the God of Israel; perhaps He will lighten His hand from you, from your gods, and from your land. Why then do you harden your hearts as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts? When He did mighty things among them, did they not let the people go, that they might depart? Now therefore, make a new cart, take two milk cows which have never been yoked, and hitch the cows to the cart; and take their calves home, away from them. Then take the ark of the Lord and set it on the cart; and put the articles of gold which you are returning to Him as a trespass offering in a chest by its side. Then send it away, and let it go. And watch: if it goes up the road to its own territory, to Beth Shemesh, then He has done us this great evil. But if not, then we shall know that it is not His hand that struck us — it happened to us by chance." NKJV.

Cow Zombies

So God desired to kill the sons of Eli. Thus Hophni and Phineas were killed when the Ark of God, that box of the presence of the Lord amongst His people was also lost to the Philistines in battle.

Like just another Trophy of just another locally conquered God, the Ark was then placed by the Philistines in the presence of their own god, Dagon. After all, surely two gods = double the power. What follows however, is nothing short of disastrous for the Philistines in that they were plagued with testicular tumours and overrun with rats and all their associated infestations and infections. To top it all, their idol of Dagon was found on several occasions to be laid prostrate and broken before the Ark of the Lord. This didn’t do too much for the reputation of their own local god in that “...neither the priests of Dagon nor any who come into Dagon's house tread on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod to this day.” 1 Samuel 5:5. Yes, the Dagon shrine at Ashdod was forever rubbished by the presence of the real and only God.

The five Lords of the Philistines seemed to be passing the problems associated with the presence of the Ark of God, from one of their ruling provinces to the next. That is, until a vocal group of NIMBY’s (Not in My Back Yarders) kicked up such a fuss, that the problem needed to be properly addressed at last. Thus through divination, the priests of the Philistines came up with the solution laid out in our text for tonight and so, they loaded up the cart and watched the outcome from afar.

God now did what Dagon could never do: He guided the cows, who unaccustomed to the yoke newly placed upon them, never the less, under God’s guidance, drew the load equally and securely, kept their attention on the right road, overcame their strong and natural desire to go to their calves, and brought them in a straight line, without missing one turn in the road, straight away to the priestly city of Beth Shemesh.
Let me emphasize that these cows went contrary to their own inclinations in that they had not forgotten their offspring and were not therefore moved ahead in some disassociated Zombie Cow like state, no, they were still lowing for their young ones, calling them, even pining for them. It would appear then that these cows knew their true master, knew their great owner, and were following His commands, even to their death, above and despite their own natural cow like inclinations. The following and watching Philistines, in observing these continually lowing kine, saw the majesty and the power of God over nature. It was enough to cause them to acknowledge that the judgement of God, had indeed been upon them.

We all, in our home nations of this day, seem to neither know nor even consider that the judgement of God may be upon us. Unlike the pining cattle of our text, we are in fact “Zombie like Cows” trotting not so merrily but like a drug and voodoo’d zombie, we lumber in Frankenstein like steadiness, in stupor to the slaughterhouse, being covered in tumours of STD’s (did you know a 2003 federal study revealed that 25% of American teenage girls carry a sexually transmitted disease!) and piling up our young men like so much dead meat on various battlefields around the watching world. I cannot help but believe that this is but the beginning of our sorrows, for zombie like cows, lost in a self indulgent, cud chewing, mindless mooing stupor, rarely listen to the gospel of Jesus Christ presented to them for God has hardened their heart and settled them in their Christ rejecting state.

The whole truth of the Bible, presents a disturbing picture of a Holy and a good God, coming into contact with a dirty and a bad mankind. Our only hope is to pray God’s mercy over our Zombie Cattled Nations, which are moving headlong to the slaughterhouse. You see truly the answer to our problems is not better programs to pander to the masses, not hipper presentations to hype them into the Kingdom, not the coolest of music to con them into more consumerist tendencies, but rather to pray to God that He would unharden their hearts and unblock their ears before they are slaughtered before His presence. It's not a merry message, but it is one that needs proclaiming.

Listen: - The ox knows its owner And the donkey its master's crib; NKJV

Pray:- What passing-bells are there for these who die as cattle? Lift O Lord, the zombie like stupor that has fallen like death cauls around all the newborn of these wayward generations. Lord, grant to your church the right kind of cattle prod to issue a most timely wake up call to one and all, in Jesus name we pray, amen.

From April 24th 2011
Broadcasting on London's
Premier Christian Radio
Each Sunday Night at 5:45pm.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mar-21-The Manufacture of Spiritually Retarded, Crippled Clowns

Dream Word – MOVE

Jeremiah 3:15
And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding. NKJV.

The Manufacture of Spiritually Retarded, Crippled Clowns

The servants of Christ wash the feet of travelling men, journeying across this dirty world ever closer to both the heart and the city of Jesus.

The servants of Christ, might retool these same journeymen, re-arm them, re-orient them, re-educate them maybe, reinforce them in the faith most certainly but shall surely return them to their journey, until the next and necessary pit stop, when they shall have the privilege to deal with a bigger, leaner, ever onward, ever upward ‘looker,’ than they previously had to service. For their journey, through both challenge and change, has brought to them increased personal strength and increased personal maturity and they have moved on, manned up, grown in both grace and truth! Grown in their appetite as journeyman, grown in that, their sight of the heavenly city is clearer, the smell of the green, green grass of their eternal home is that much more acute; their ears are more full of the sound of singing angels; their skin is more sensitive to the feeling and the flowing of the wind of the Spirit; their arms stronger and lifted up; their feet full of peace, more certain, more sure and more directed in the way; their armour dented but bright; their sword bloodied yet sharper; the loins of their mind now being more lifted and focused; the belt of truth, tight and secure around the chiselled core of their being! Yes indeed, the servants of Christ, that is the pastors and leaders of the church of the living God, shall happily and with great thankfulness, wash the feet of such travelling men, such lookers unto Jesus.

Now, this picture of growing and journeying strength, of maturing in grace and truth, I believe is a Biblical expectancy. However and unfortunately, this picture is in fact, to our Laodicean lot anyways, an unwanted and unsought for fantasy and ashamedly, for I speak as a shepherd, as a foot washer for the journeying man, the shepherds are mostly to blame for this most sorry state of affairs. In my journeying around the Christendom and in my ministry to the same, I am tired of seeing many gigantic, staff led churches, doing everything for their congregations to justify their often too well paid existence, by enabling thousands of kindergarten kiddies to simply continue to languish on the breast and in the so doing they have created vast churches of sucklers and suckers, baby Christian clowns. It’s just pitiful.

All teachers must ensure that at some point, and the sooner the better by the way, that their pupils overtake them. Yes, all teachers must pull back the bow for eventual release. However, when teachers have students who never move on, and in North America especially, these stunted students attend churches in their tens of thousands, then two strange things will happen to the church. Watch this now, for first, the teachers themselves will turn into smiling imbeciles, toting suitcases full of well worn platitudes and the odd blunt instrument, and secondly, their students will turn into spiritual cripples, retarded Christians, who of necessity, have to have their backside wiped for them and be personally spoon fed with poorly, pre-chewed rubbish.

Such sad shepherding is not releasing strong disciples into their journey, but rather, is producing imbecilic imitations of Christ, who ride around the children’s race track, pulling into the same old pit stop for the same old problems, which will be dealt with by same old people in the same old inept, low octane, low expectation way. There is you see, no expectation or plan no daring demand, no challenging necessity for people to grow in grace and truth.

I do not envy the shepherd, who has sold himself into such dismal drudgery and I pity the sheep that still suck on these strange, fat staff titties that such churches alluringly dangle before them, for neither the smiling and imbecilic teachers nor such crippled disciples, will stand in the fires which are to surely come upon us.

It is out of such great concern that I speak so harshly tonight. Cool or not so cool, senior or otherwise, I pity the pastor that has to stand before Jesus and account for every empty, energy absent, wimp of a word which he has spoken. It will not bode well for such makers of retards.

Yes, if you are not changing and growing, then you are spiritually retarded. If you are not being re-armed, re-orientated, renewed, refreshed, re-educated and re-enforced in your faith to then be released into and served on, your destined journey, then you are being short changed, slowly killed, and are going nowhere. Indeed, you are purposefully being kept in your wheelchair and paying through the nose for that privilege. You are a spiritual retard and you have been fed and bred for it from what other imbeciles have termed 'the finest pulpits in the land.'

I must confess, that at the moment, I can find no hope in my heart for such lost shepherds, locked into such a good looking and grossly debilitating system. However, I do believe there is some hope for those lost sheep who are sick of mommies milk and wanting at last, to take care of their own rear end. Yes there is hope for those sheep if they want it. The beginning of the answer is simple. Find some hard looking men and some greener pastures. Find some scarred and sun burnt shepherds moulded by the heart of Hosea and the sporting the look of Amos the iron man about them, and if they and the greener grass are over the hill and far away, then move there! Time is running out. For the sake of your poor retarded spirit, find a good restaurant that serves whole food, that makes you eat your greens, that measures your B.M.I. and coaches and cajoles you into becoming a muscular man, a man of the Word and the Spirit, a man that can survive in the field, form families and feed himself and them, teaching them to do the same. Find such a church and go to it.

The servants of Christ wash the feet of travelling men, journeying across this dirty world ever closer to both the heart and the city of Jesus.

Listen: - Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless; and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation — as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:14-18a

Pray:- In my life Lord, be glorified today. In Your church Lord, be glorified today. In this world Lord, be glorified today. Ruin this retarded Laodicean church Lord, by raising up men like You, full of grace and truth, full of the Word and the Holy Spirit, wholesome, healthy, hard and happy. Then Lord, make me one of them, in Your great name I pray. Amen.

From April 24th 2011
Broadcasting on London's
Premier Christian Radio
Each Sunday Night at 5:45pm.

Mar-21-The Deep Songs of The Spirit

Key Word:- PRAISE

Title:- The Deep Songs of The Spirit

Psalm 33:1-3
Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is beautiful. Praise the LORD with the harp; Make melody to Him with an instrument of ten strings. Sing to Him a new song; Play skilfully with a shout of joy.

“While we sing the Praises of our God in His Church, we are employed in that part of Worship which of all others is the nearest a-kin to Heaven: and ‘tis pity that this of all others should be performed the worst upon Earth. The Gospel brings us nearer to the heavenly State than all the former Dispensations of God amongst Men: And in these very last Days of the Gospel we are brought almost within sight of the Kingdom of our Lord; yet we are very much unacquainted with the Songs of the New Jerusalem, and unpracticed in the Work of Praise.” So goes the opening paragraph of the preface to the ‘Hymns and Spiritual Songs’ of Isaac Watts (1674-1748)

I have been to too many ‘Praise meetings’ which, if they are a testimony of what heaven shall be like, make me want to stay on the heavenly train and purposefully miss my stop! If praising God forever and ever in heaven, is like some of those ‘Praise Meetings’ we have found ourselves in on earth, then friends, I’m just not going!

Worship it has been said ‘is not about us’, but about God! I agree with that but I am not prepared to have that truth as an excuse for the continued pitiful spouting of pious platitudes and numb, dumb choruses hung so much about with limp and lame lyrics that leave people totally unmoved, except for thoughts of sleep and bed. A combination of powerful words, spirit moistened lips and a moved heart, should supernaturally raise the spirit of a man and wing him up to Jesus.

Neither do I think it right that on hearing a few notable chords we should clap our hands in glee and say, “oooh I like this one!” Well if you do then good for you friend but remember, ‘it’s not about you!” Unfortunately though, most of our post modern songs are nothing short of mere spiritual masturbation. They are mostly about us and are written with a view to our own emotional stroking.

When the words and the music and our hearts are all in tune, weeping in wonder at what Jesus has done for us, and given to us, then all the world shall come out in droves to hear us, the people of God, praise our Redeemer and I tell you the truth, all of hell, shall in turn, quake in fear to hear us holy ‘Men of Harlech,’ warriors famed in song and story, arrive on the field in glorious praise, singing to Jesus the deep songs of the Spirit, prepared for these last days.

Maybe the call needs to go out, for some more warrior poets, sons of the greater David to take up their pen as well as their sword and reset some deep roots into the Isaacs of old, that once looked toward the coming days of praise. For truly, “in these very last Days of the Gospel we are brought almost within sight of the Kingdom of our Lord; yet we are very much unacquainted with the Songs of the New Jerusalem, and un-practiced in the Work of Praise.”

Tell me friend, how’s that new Song coming along? How’s your praise life today? Have you really felt the darkness tremble just lately? Or are you just singing empty lies?

Listen: - He has put a new song in my mouth — Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the LORD. Psalm 40:3

Pray: - Many, O LORD my God, are Your wonderful works Which You have done; And Your thoughts toward us Cannot be recounted to You in order; If I would declare and speak of them, They are more than can be numbered. Sacrifice and offering You did not desire; My ears You have opened. Lord, open my lips, And my mouth shall show forth Your praise. (Psalm 40:5-6A & Psalms 51:15 NKJV)

From April 24th 2011
Broadcasting on London's
Premier Christian Radio
Each Sunday Night at 5:45pm.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mar-05-How’s Your Sex Life?

Dream WordDESIRE

Isaiah 26:9a
With my soul I have desired You in the night, Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You early; NKJV

How’s Your Sex Life?

Do you pray when you get up in the morning? Yes, afore ye face the coming day, do you take the time to kneel and pray?

In a morning, though I do pray for others, I mostly pray for myself, mostly for me and mine. So, with such seeming familial selfishness, I thought it would be good to examine all of my personal prayers made over the mornings now long since gone. Having done that, I have found that I can group them under less than a handful of four major headings. Here they are: I first pray for Power, then I pray for Provision followed by Protection and finally, for Presence.

I pray for Power! Power to be healed of my infirmities that seem to increase exponentially as I get older! Power to be delivered from my demons and my long besetting sins. Power for God to come and change relationships, maybe even me, maybe. Occasionally I pray for power, that I might in all my daily circumstances display the Father’s glory. Oh yes, I like a bit of justifying grandeur to be mixed with my all my personal panderings. I, you see, pray for Power!

I pray for Provision I pray for my daily bread and a whole lot more to put in my large refrigerator and freezer. I pray for chunks of money to feed the barking bills. I pray for postal miracles, I pray for money in the mail. My wife prays for the same! For sure, I pray for strength for the coming day but mostly I pray for money, materials and manpower. I pray for Provision.

I pray for Protection. For after all, if God does answer my increasingly necessary but ever boring prayers, I don’t want these good answers stolen from me at the last, I don’t want to receive them with trouble added on the end. I need to at least cover all my bases of possible loss. Yes, I pray for Protection. Panic prayer insurance is surely a very good thing to have?

Finally, I pray for Presence and believe it or not, this brings me onto the question of my sex life, indeed of your sex life. You see, on those occasions when I have been thoroughly examined by my local Doctor, even just verbally so, he has always questioned me about my libido, or rather, if there is any lack of it. When this question has been asked of me over a visit to him regarding anything other than my genitals, it has always left me with a stunned look on my face. “Eh? What on earth did you ask that for?” In addition to the stunned look, I have to be honest that my response has never been the whole truth. “Yeah fine Doc! No problems in that department, no siree. Phew, praise God” Liar.

The doctor of course, in questioning my prowess in the bedroom is looking at sexual desire as a sign of physical health. If I am ill, then the power of my desire, is often re-routed into fighting disease, overcoming anxiety, or repairing the body. From a doctors point of view, him questioning the function of my libido is simply a fault finding question to discover indicators of failing health. Which believe it or not, brings me back to spiritual desire and especially to my prayers of Presence.

It is too easy to begin the day with God and then forget Him for the rest of it. When my prayers for His manifest presence in my day, is nothing but a quick tag line hooked onto the other guff, then my desire for Him is low, my desire for Him is waning, my spiritual libido is not functioning as it should, indeed, I am spiritually sick.

So, let me ask you tonight my dear friend, how is your spiritual sex life? Is everything OK in the spiritual bedroom department my friend? Oh really? DO YOU DESIRE HIM? IF EVERYTHING ELSE WAS STRIPPED AWAY, WOULD YOU STILL WANT HIM? DO YOU LONG FOR HIM TONIGHT? WILL YOU SEEK HIM ALL YOUR DAY TOMORROW? INDEED, WILL YOU COUNT YOUR DAY AN UTTER FAILURE IF YOU CANNOT FEEL HIS KIND CARESS, ENJOY HIS PRESENCE OVER A CUP OF COFFEE, OR SEE HIS FACE AMONGST THE MILLING CROWD. Yes, tell me, how’s your spiritual sex life tonight?

If you are too tired for desire and frankly, that’s the usual cause amongst us Christians, simple hard pressed tiredness, even exhaustion, then you need to refocus the use of your time, change your diet and get to bed earlier. It’s as profound and as practical as that. If however, you have no desire for Him whatsoever and frankly never really had, then you are very simply, a user and an abuser of God, just a spiritual morning masturbator. Your prayers have been prayers of provision, protection, power and prostitution. Nothing else. There has been no relationship in them whatsoever. Yes, your prayers have been prayers of Provision, Protection, Power and Prostitution. Nothing else.

Let us change our ways. Let us re-order our prayer patterns and on the morrow, let us choose to desire His presence. Let us begin, to court our God once more, in pursuing, desiring and dedicated, adoring relationship.

Listen: - I have not spoken in secret, In a dark place of the earth; I did not say to the seed of Jacob, 'Seek Me in vain'; Isaiah 45:19a NKJV

Pray:- Lord, You have said, “Seek me and live!” Lord, You have said “You will find Me when you seek me with all your heart.” So with all my heart and mind and will, I decide to desire You. In the coming days O Lord, surprise my choice by adding the glow of passionate fires! Amen.

From April 24th 2011
Broadcasting on London's
Premier Christian Radio
Each Sunday Night at 5:45pm.

Mar-05-‘The Big E’ - Her Stars & His Scars

Dream WordFIGHT

John 20:27-28
Then He said to Thomas, "Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing." And Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!" NKJV
‘The Big E’ - Her Stars & His Scars

Having rejected his Southern Baptist roots, the former decorated army flyer and WWII veteran, embarked on a screen writing career in Las Vegas, the end of which was the creation of a vast cultural consciousness spanning several generations. After a tumultuous life, he became the first person to be buried in space, the genesis of his ideas and the birth place of a ship with the registry entry of NCC 1701, which has sailed into the minds of thousands of millions of Star Trek fans. I am of course talking about Gene Rodenberry’s Constitutional Class Heavy Cruiser, better known as The United States Ship, U.S.S. Enterprise.

‘The Big E’ was the Seventh U.S. Navy ship to bear that name, and the Yorktown Class Carrier launched in 1936 would survive WWII and become the most highly decorated ship in the history of the American Navy, her crew earning her some twenty, distinct and bloody battle stars. Indeed, she was the most decorated ship of the whole of WWII and even received the most prestigious decoration that her Majesty’s Royal Navy could offer in the form of the British Admiralty Pennant.

Our great Commander in Chief Himself, Jesus, Eternal King of Kings, (the real “Big E”) and Lord of Lords, occupies all these, His vast and varied all unbounded seas, surrounded by a trillion bright and shining stars and bearing those most precious of all scars, those wounds of winning, gained at the most crushing defeat of our great enemy at Calvary’s cross. Yes, our Jesus, bears the marks of His victory on His real and resurrected body.

It is my belief that there will be scars birthed on earth which shall be borne in heaven. Scars which are grotesque in deformity here, turned in heaven, into bejewelled and emblazoned touchable tattoos. I believe that scars gained here in the wars of the Lord, are the only thing that shall be carried into heaven and they along with their bearers shall be remembered, honoured and most well loved.

Brethren, where then are the mighty men of the greater David today? Where are the Christians whose names shall sail with glory through the gates of Heaven into heaven’s victorious sees? Where are the men with battle scars?

This poverty ridden and most pitiable condition of ours cannot continue. In the West, darkness is making fast its plans, ready to rise up quickly against this sleepy church of ours, who like Jonah of old, sleeps in the bowels of the ship in the most vicious of rising storms. Trouble is coming and I am not glad for it but as an observer of the weather of time, I tell you tonight, that trouble is coming and it is more than we have ever seen thus far.

Who knows, maybe from our own, quickly coming ‘Pearl Harbour,’ some ships of Renown shall come to sail the seas once more, for I tell you, battle scars from the wars of the Lord, are the only things you shall take into heaven with you.

Listen: - Proclaim this among the nations:"Prepare for war! Wake up the mighty men,Let all the men of war draw near,Let them come up. Beat your plowshares into swordsAnd your pruning hooks into spears;Let the weak say, 'I am strong.'" Assemble and come, all you nations,And gather together all around.Cause Your mighty ones to go down there, O Lord. "Let the nations be wakened, and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat;For there I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations. Put in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe.Come, go down;For the winepress is full,The vats overflow — For their wickedness is great." Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. NKJV Joel 3:9-14

Heaven knows that getting scars only makes us who we are and no matter how much our heart is aching, there is always beauty in the breaking? Beauty in the breaking Lord and blessing in the making, of wounds and scars and battle stars strewn along our windswept pennant. Give us strength and courage Lord and we shall give you our glory, Yes, all glory to God in the Highest and praise to our great King who from the lips of angels makes sweet hosannas sing. Lord, the people of the Hebrews with palms before Thee went; Our prayer and praise and anthems before Thee we present. To Thee, before Thy passion, they sang their hymns of praise; To Thee, now high exalted, Our melody we raise. Thou didst accept their praises; ccept the prayers we bring, who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious King.

(some words, adapted from the song BROKEN, by Lyndsey Horn and from Theodulph of Orleans, who praised God in prison and died in the same place of his praising.)

From April 24th 2011
Broadcasting on London's
Premier Christian Radio
Each Sunday Night at 5:45pm.