Saturday, January 24, 2009

Against Obama

You can guarantee that the President of the USA does not care two hoots about me. Yet he needs to.

In just a few days in office, he has lifted the 'global gag' imposed by President Bush and allowed American funding to once again flow to external out of country organisations that promote and practice abortion. He did this the day after he signed laws allowing the experimentation of embryonic stem cell research. Obama begins his presidency with the promotion of the culture of death.

The gay parade following the presidential parade, the prayers by the Episcopalian gay bishop, his willingness to engage in 'dialogue' with his avowed enemies and exporters of national death and destruction, are all indicative of national moral weakness and peace at any price.
Obama will with great panache and style, to the gleeful cheers of the liberal left and goggle eyed smiles of the young and the dumb, continually sign away the birthright of the American people, weaken them on the world stage and slowly remove them from it. Look up America! The countdown for your drastic diminishment has started.

The UK is already finished. Frightened Christians are cowering in the corner, clasping their ideas to their own shaking bosom, whilst the state church is STILL arguing about who they can have sex with.

Meanwhile Sky news today reports that in our country which has the highest teenage rate of pregnancy in Europe, 25% of children are seeking abortion advice from teachers and 66% of teachers say that school sex education should have information regarding termintaiton options.

We want to start at Crisis pregnancy centre in Tunbridge Wells for servicing East Sussex and Kent. Can you help us? Will you help us to do this?

I know like everything we do in our nation now it is very much a closing of the door after the horse has bolted and bolted it has. Never the less, I have to be able to stand before my Maker and look myself in the eye in the mirror in a morning and be able to say I did something. I didn't just roll over.

If you can help - if you can't live with yourself - contact me today.

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